小编:实用大学英语 求翻译 《Devlins Advice 》 《Devlins Advice 》Dear New Student: What awaits(期待) you in the coming years your college years? And what awaits you after your graduation from college? For an entering college st
实用大学英语 求翻译 《Devlin's Advice 》
《Devlin's Advice 》Dear New Student:
What awaits(期待) you in the coming years — your college years? And what awaits you after your graduation from college?
For an entering college student, the likelihood(或许性) is that the job you will be doing ten years from now does not yet exist(存在). You will be doing something that at present no one is doing, or hardly anyone.
How can you possibly prepare for such a future?
My strongest advice would be to value(珍视) the breadth(宽度,广度) of the education available(可获取的) to you. The key to being successful in the world of today or tomorrow is an ability to learn.
At high school you had a teacher. But when you are out at work you will probably(很或许) have to go it alone(自个儿干). College is a half-way house(中途歇脚的客栈;过渡场所). The professors are there to help and guide you. But as teachers, the most important thing they are trying to "teach" you is how to learn. For example, your mathematics professor is not there to teach you mathematics. He or she is there to show you how to learn mathematics, and to help you in the process. That's a big difference from high school.
My second piece of advice is to work hardest at those subjects(科目)you don't like or think you can never do. For many students, the subject that they don't like is mathematics. But for many career paths , mathematics is what they need to know in order to be successful. For construction workers and engineers, geometry is what you need to know. For future teachers, it is statistics that you need to see if your tests are fair to your students. Even for someone who just wants to be a stay-at-home mom, calculations are needed to keep a household . In fact, what I am saying applies to all of you when you find yourself faced with any subject. Colleges and universities don't have all those graduation requirements in order to make you suffer. They are there to help you broaden your mind, and to prepare you to live your life to the fullest.
My final piece of advice is to enjoy your life at college. I often hear people say that college is not the real world; that the purpose of your college years is to prepare you for your life "in the real world" in the future. That's not right. You won't stop living in the next few years. Your time at college or university is not pre-life . It's several years of your life. It is the "real world." So enjoy your time as a student and live your new "real life" to the full
什么期待你在未来几年内 - 你的大学日期?和你大学毕业未来有什么在等着你?
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