小编:跪求现代大学英语精读4 教师用书pdf版 第二版 主编杨立民(若答案属实可追加悬赏) 点击书名下载: 现代大学英语(第2版)精读4教师用书 我知道一家有帮助雅思托福的在线 英语培训
跪求现代大学英语精读4 教师用书pdf版 第二版 主编杨立民(若答案属实可追加悬赏)
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字号:大 中 小 Unit7 ○1我们的校活动会将在下礼拜六进行 Our school’s sports meet is due next Saturday。 2由于不停有水灾和旱灾,那个地区的农业一直很不稳定 Due to repeated floods and droughts, the farming in that area has been unstable. 3她陡然发觉他们的房租第二天就到期了 She suddenly found that their rent would be due the next day. 4最后他们穿越审核,发觉那个朝正北方飞的东西是天鹅 Finally,they identified the objet flying due north as swans. 5许多人觉得穿越必须日期后,中国的农民就能在国际市场上胜利地和旁人竞争 Many people believe that in due course Chinese farmers will compete with others in international market successfully. 6请原谅我的唐突,我并不觉得我们应该采纳等着瞧的政策 With due respect, I don’t believe that we should adopt a wait and see policy. 7根据该协定,两个国度应该互相通报重大的军事行动 According to the agreement, the two countries should inform each other of major military actions. 8因为在他获取潜艇已经淹没的通知时不曾即刻采纳窍门,他为此受到批驳 He was criticized for not taking immediate actions after he was informed of the sinking of the submarine. 9诸葛亮诚然一直住在小草房里,但他的消息极端灵通 Although he had lived in a small hut, Zhu Geliang was well informed. 10在文革的时候,人们不但被激发,而况被压迫互相揭发 During the Culture Revolution, people were not only encouraged but also forced to inform on each other. 11在当初候,学者们剧烈地劝我们防守城墙。但我们不曾足够的远见去采纳他们的创议 At that time, scholars strongly advised us to protect the city walls, but we were not far-sighted enough to adopt their suggestions. 12瞧他爱妈妈的样子,你持久猜不到他是领养的 To see how he loved his mother, you could never guess he was adopted. 13这本古典小说描述了宋朝一批人,他们像罗宾汉一样劫富济贫 This classical novel depicts a group of people in the Song Dynasty, who robbed the rich to help the poor like Robin hood. 14他们抢走了她的所有东西,然后把她从车里扔了出去 They robbed her of everything and then threw her out of the car. 15持久不要伸手拿不属于你的东西,不然,你迟早会被抓住 Never reach out for things that don’t belong to you, otherwise, you’ll be caught sooner or later. 16我的目标是缔造一个宽松,自由和公正的社会。可是我们不交出苦楚的代价是达不到这个目的的 Our goal is to build a rich, free and just society. But without pain and suffering, we will not realize it. 17我做了一个可怖的梦。现代大学英语:求现代大学英语4第二版杨立民教师用书的pdf,能给答案的再加财富值!我梦见我在拼死追一个我想要的东西,但总是够不着 I had a terrible dream in which I ran after something I wanted, but it was always beyond my reach. 18当初候曹操信任最后胜利已探囊取物,他不获悉一场失败正等着他 CaoCao believed that final victory was within his easy reach, but he didn’t know that a terrible defeat was waiting for him.