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小编:夏天到了,如何保护好自己的皮肤? 听听专家的建议, 学习一下防晒霜、防晒衣、阳伞、遮阳棚等英语词汇吧。 夏季防晒十大注意事项: 1. Use sunscreenwith a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at


听听专家的建议, 学习一下防晒霜、防晒衣、阳伞、遮阳棚等英语词汇吧。


   夏季防晒十大注意事项: 1. Use sunscreenwith a Sun Protection Factor (SPF) of at least 15. Make sure it is water-resistant and reapply every two hours, especially after swimming or sweating. 使用防晒系数(SPF)至少为15的防晒霜。确保是防水的,每两小时重新涂一次,尤其是游过泳或出汗了后。 2. Apply sunscreen 30 minutes before going outside so your skin has time to absorb it. 在出门前30分钟涂上防晒霜,这样你的皮肤有时间吸收。 3. Be generous in application of sunscreen. An ounce of sunscreen should cover the>擦防晒霜不要节约。一盎司的防晒霜应能覆盖普通成年人的脸、脖子、胳膊和腿。

   4. Wear protective clothing, like hats, sunglasses, long-sleeved shirts and pants 穿有防护作用的服装,如帽子、太阳镜、长袖衬衫和长裤。 5. Seek shade when possible, especially during the hours of 10:00 am to 4:00 pm when the suns rays are strongest. 尽可能地寻找阴凉处,特别是在上午10:00到下午4:00太阳光最强的时候。 6. Avoid tanning bedsas ultraviolet light can cause skin cancer and wrinkling. Use a self-tanning product but use sunscreen with it. 避免日光浴床(晒日光浴),紫外线会导致皮肤癌和皱纹。使用仿晒产品,但使用防晒霜。 7. Protect children by reapplying sunscreen often with an SPF of at least 15, having them play in the shade and wear protective clothing. 通过重新涂抹防晒霜来保护儿童,防晒霜的防晒系数至少为15,让他们在阴凉处玩耍并穿能防护的服装。 8. Babies under the age of 6 months should never be in direct sunlight and should always wear a hat and clothing that protects them from UV rays. 6个月以下的婴儿不应在阳光直射下,应始终戴上帽子和衣服,以保护他们,免受紫外线. Adults should perform regular self-exams. It is an easy way to detect abnormalities 成年人应该定期进行自我检查。这是一种检测皮肤异变的简单方法。 10. Talk to your dermatologist and have a complete body scan once a year. 咨询皮肤科医生,每年做一次全身扫描。

   嗯,怎么没有中国人的防晒利器——防晒衣、遮阳伞? 别急! UPF clothesare quot;a lazy persons sunscreenquot;. UPF clothing is made with special fabric that offers the same type of UV-fighting protection as a sunscreen. 防晒衣是“懒人的防晒霜”。 防晒衣由特殊的织物制成,提供与防晒霜相同的防紫外线保护。

   遮阳伞是UPF umbrella或者sunproof umbrella吗? 也没错,其实我们为什么不记住一个小清新又文艺的说法:parasol呢? parasol就是比一般雨伞小巧精致的阳伞,18,19世纪时女士出门必备的时尚搭配。


   再把这些词汇,整理一下,方便大家学习: sunscreen 防晒霜 Sun Protection Factor (SPF)防晒系数(SPF) sunglasses 太阳镜 ultraviolet light (UV rays) 紫外线 UPF clothes 防晒衣 parasol 遮阳伞 sunshade 大遮阳伞;遮阳篷,用来夹在普通眼镜上的太阳镜,墨镜。


