小编:如火如荼的9月份开学季如约而来,9月份的几场雅思考试也开始陆续展开,津桥国际小津特此为大家总结了津桥国际学院教研团队9 月雅思听力预测,希望对即将参加雅思考试的小童鞋们
如火如荼的9月份开学季如约而来,9月份的几场雅思考试也开始陆续展开,津桥国际小津特此为大家总结了津桥国际学院教研团队9 月雅思听力预测,希望对即将参加雅思考试的小童鞋们
如火如荼的9月份开学季如约而来,9月份的几场雅思考试也开始陆续展开,津桥国际小津特此为大家总结了津桥国际学院教研团队9 月雅思听力预测,希望对即将参加雅思考试的小童鞋们起到帮助!-
Section 3
Traveling survey
21-26 choices
21. area would be understood 的意思:
A: geography B: tourist site
(原文说area 应该换成place or province;area here prefers to some places)
22. whats the most popular point about culture
A: more modern elements involved (most people consider the culture as modern art)
B: focus more on art and entertainment last long in the past
对话中女的说没有古老的建筑和音乐,music之类和 art---or entertainment, 有长久历史和
23. what should be noticed about the survey?
A: to get valid results
B: before the deadline
C:there is minimum number of respondents 提高问卷的广度 at least 200,
24. whats their respondents? (make a 200-people survey) 时候要注意针对什么人?
A: domestic and local resident
B: local habitants and international tourists (oversea)
C: domestic and international tourists(oversea)
25. what should be asked for the background of the respondents?
A: background
B: age
C: job
26. how should the data be shown 数据用什么方式来体现
A: table
B: pie graph
C: flow chart
27-30)matching travelling attraction
7 个选项选4 个
27. Mexico----(food festival)
Chilly can be used to吃某种 dishes
28. Greece-----(ancient buildings)
29. Britain----F (opera theatre performance)
30. India----(traditional dances)
经营方式分析(business mode analysis)
(21-25)matching 5种分析方法,然后选这些方法所对应的特征. Business tool 的运用
A: save business time and effort;
B: offer visual help or guide;(it has a bright vision)
C: have little use to their study;(not suit for their study) D: take long time;
E: are hard to use
F: are applicable to companies in any size
21. PEST method---C
22. Drill down analysis---E
23. Pareto analysis---D
24. PMI method ---A
25. SWOT method--- F
(26-30) Multiple choices
26. what is most useful in future for manufactory, (student feels)?
A:regulation/reputation of company
B:experience of staffs and employees
C:---major competitors
27. what is tutor suggestion of manufactorys strength?
B: oversea expansion opportunities
28. which one impress the tutor to the greatest extent
B: the new legal legislation
C: find out new skills to the equipment
29. 男的认为the most difficult part in the investigation is?
C:differences between practice and theory
30. what should improve of students report?
A: give a final determination
B: report a clear structure
C: add more detailed information
(21-25) multiple choices
21. how they describe a website?
A: simple and clear to understand
B: it is interesting(说网上找的东西)
C: be much relevant to their research topics
How does man approach to finish this project?
22. which part is the most difficult one?
B: the foot movement
23. what does the boy investigate?
A: downloaddiagram from the interne (diagram is self-drawn)
B: take apart his old shoes 为了研究运动鞋的construction, he cut off his old shoes
C: borrow a sample from tutor(the sample was given by the tutor)
24. about the report the job will be
A: the woman finished half work of summary
B: the woman finished most work of summary(干扰:summary 是男的做的) C: the woman finished almost all work of summary(written section are mainly finished by the girl
男的说 he can do more presentation)
25. what they will dothis weekend:
Answer the questions left by their supervisor/professor(for presentation)
Complete summary: the woman will design her shoes
26. will ask the tutor about
A: where to borrow equipment(男的:to use ppt or also a white board)
B: how long the presentation will be
C: who the audience are
(27-30) matching: tutors comments in all four parts:
A: change the layout
B: writ it longer
c: give a detail example
D: change to other part
E: in simple language
F: write it in the last part
27. Introduction: summary---F
28. result ---D(put behind the report)
29. conclusion ---E(easy to understand the result)
30. discussion---C(原文中说要写成list;more detail using graphic format; details and list of data;
need more information on---)
21. regulator---D
22. hammer---F
23. plate safety shield---B
24. flour outlet---C
25. grain shatter---E
26. chemical-compound----J
27-30 multiple choices
27. what is the problem with the traditional machine
B a part is easily damaged
28. what is the new incubators advantage?
A: do not require electricity
29. compared to the traditional one, the students aim to improve
B the quantity of the nuts in process
30. which power is applied?
C manpower
音乐环节压力的讨论 21-30)multiple choice
21. why use rock music ass background music?
A useful for achieving measurable result
22. 为什么用这本书?
B it is practical
23. why did she apply the statistics method in bibliography ?
C she thinks it will help her with the figure
24. warwick 研究什么方面?
B physical
25. Sydney university focus on
A: the relationships between music and relaxation
26. drawback for the research at Iowa university?
B the number of people used was too small
27-30) matching
B: ask help from technician
C: contact IT department
D: divide workload
E:internet resource
F: borrow equipment department
G:change the seat arrangement
27 lack of questions in questionnaire E
28 disturbance noise of the headphone F
29 unreliability of CD players B
30 insufficient time for report writing D
Economic and trust的实验
经济学家Nash equilibrium实验,研究发现动物脑也有 Oxytocin的化学物质
31. trust rely on the strangers (kindness) alternatively we can trust
32. understand trust can reduce (poverty)
33. recognize---a persons (face)
34. oxytocin be released when (interaction) occurs
Experiments: two participants(borrow money)
The first participant
35. the second participant has no (obligation) to return the money
36. trust involves a (process)-so it is conditional
37. if animals have (cooperation) they will be seen oxytocin.
38. Nash: the first participants no:(expectations)
39. who----has (higher) level of oxytocin
40. oxytocin can be seen as a kind of social (glue).
Piet Blom has developed a couple of these cubic houses.
31-40 completion
31. as a function of village
His design represents a village within a city
32. Each cub buildings shape like a tree
The concept behind these houses is that he tries to create a forest by each
cube representing an abstract tree; therefore the whole village becomes a
33. on the top of bridge in central city
The city of Rotterdam asked him to design housing on top of a pedestrian
bridge and he decided to use the cubic houses idea.
34. he met the problem of finance
35. inside the house three pillars made of concrete
The structure of the pole consists of three concrete pillars that have concrete
block filling the space in between. As for the cube, the basic structure is
concrete floor with concrete pillars. On top of this structure is something
similar to a typical wood frame structure with wood stud framing and rockwool insulation. To protect the wooden frame and the insulation from
exposure to the elements, they are covered with cement/wood fiberboards.
To give the cube a nice appearance, zinc panels were used and
complemented by double-glazed windows.
36. one Building between *** and school
of architecture The houses contain three
37. The lower level and top level are triangle-shaped
y Ground floor entrance-
y First floor with living room and open kitchen the medium level is
38. and a study (business) hall
39. Top floor which is sometimes used as a small garden
The cubes are titled and sit on hexagon-shaped pole structures. The cubes
contain the living areas, which are spilt into three levels. The triangle-shaped
40. 房子的居住者 in their one advantage of a convenient location and
reasonable price ye with good facilities.
About music,its origin and influence
31-40 sentence completion:
31. in 19th and 20th century, American people work in (factories) 说欧洲人从农村搬到城市
32. 19 世纪美国culture influences by different (immigration) emerged(melting pot) of world
33. sales profit is affected by several factors, the most important one(quality/quantity) of sales;
more important than quantity 说到20 世纪的音乐制作商重视(quantity)of sales
34. song spread from (churches)
35. different music but the common (language)
36. an industry of goods or services: creating new (jobs) eg. Publishers
A major industry; it resulted in new jobs. E.g publishers
37. performers(artists) are firstly separated from(audience)
38. now (middle) class began to be interested in Music;最开始begin to low classes, then popular
in middle class
39. develop a system for (composing) music (classical) writing music
40. (youth) culture
Tea tree oil(Melaleuca Alternifolia) 茶树油(V141204)
31-35 matching the people with correct incident:
A: bring tea tree oil into Australia in 1770
B: challenge the benefit of tea tree oil
C: report the special eating habit in Australia
D: list plant species
E: study the tea tree oil
F: saw Australian aborigines drink
G: use tea tree for medical treatment
31: aborigines---G
32:Dutch explorer---C
33: Sir Hugh Palliser---B
34: Captain James Cook----F
35: Dr.A.R.Penfold----E
Sentence completion: 做茶树油的流程
36. tea tree will store oil during (winter) accumulate the useful substance
37. put leaves and (stems)
38. the water and the oil vapor rose up to the (lid) of the containers
39. according to the principle of (gravity)
40. the water will go to the tubes onto the (ground)
大猩猩行为研究(雅思常考动物话题) (study on behavior of chimpanzee) (V141220
Section 4 旧题=V06409,动物研究,题型为填空8+单选2
此题介绍大猩猩的行为研究 study on behavior of chimpanzee。相关的生物介绍题目
可以参考C6.4.4有关Asian lions的研究。 )
31-38 填空题(one word only)
Chimpanzee behaviours
We can find Pan Troglodytes in West and Central Africa
The Bonobo or Pan Paniscus are found in Democratic Republic of Congo.
Current research
31. Rule out genetic and biological factors
32. learn through observation of each other behaviours
The book the third chimpanzee discusses physical features of chimpanzees.
33. Reported by Jane Goodall suggests that chimpanzee know making tools
Chimpanzees in Senegal
Use spears sharpened with their teeth 34. can open the shell/hull of a coconut
35. use a stone hammer to crash nuts
36. Are capable of learning lot of skills and understanding human language
37. Bonobos live on the other side of a river with the common chimps living on one side, and
the bonobos living on the opposite side of the river.
ng alarmingly population density
39-40 选择题Conclusion of all passage:
39. Chimpanzees learn things by: 答案 C
A. chimpanzee copy humans behavior
B. chimpanzee follow the instructions: (this is a trap option)
C. chimpanzee has very strong ability for thinking logically
40. other conclusion of passage: 答案: A
A. developed behaviors over some many generations
B. chimpanzee modify to adapt to the environment
C. chimpanzee is slower than human in different ways.
31-40 sentence completion
31. there are 2 types of migrations: (vertical)
32. then for accommodation,settle in: (cabin)
33. transport by(camel)
34. live in(tents)
35. which are light and (portable)
36. more (young) people choose to---
37. what to exchange for settlers:green(grain)
38. what to exchange for nomadic (clothing)
39. to harvest (food) such as (cheese and meat)
40. (intermediate) mixed between two lifestyles
印度女老板的软件 IT 公司的政策讲座(technology company in india) (V140125)
31. in order to called (democratic) style
32. the scheme motto is called (employee first)
Not to take boss as a king 什么的
33. grades are published on staffs internal (website)
34.(performance)assessment do not include (promotion)
35. 32% of (income) growth
36. offer benefits on food/cafeteria and (vacation) entitlement
37. a (solution) comes from any part of the company
Grades are not used for---
38. 开放政策 openness of company improved (communication) within the company
39. 如顾客的complain were called as ticket 40. place a (ban) on anonymous people online
数学的焦虑症(a lecture describe a phenomenon called Dyscalculia)(V140524)
(31-40) completion: one word only
31. (traditional) method of teaching
32. conception of (time) and sequence
33. every day practice/problem like eg dealing with counting (money)
34. more calculation to develop more(confidence)
35. solution: encourage them to solve the problem of (guessing) number
36. do exercises eg. Breathing relaxation and (walking) exercises,
37. a (link) with language barrier
38. do exercises like literacy, numeracy and (concentration)
39. children no longer needed(treatment) again
40. popular with (teachers) and families<
讲符号graphic design发明和发展(history of advertising symbols) (V140313)
Section 4
版本号 场景 题型
NEW 待定 讲符号的发展 填空
详细说明:讲符号 Graphic Design 发明和发展 History of advertising symbols
31-40 Fill in the blank
Graphical symbol
Graphical symbol
Includes the logographs in Egyptian hieroglyphic writing and ancient Chinese pictograms
Found in Africa, the Americas, and Oceania
31.Today,the main purpose of commercial reason
32. Spread a wide range of knowledge (e.g. :animals)
33. Symbol of lines are used to depict various meanings
34. photograph was invented to help understand history better.
35. some charities began to advertise endangered species to be successful
36. eg. Camera tied to a bird foot
37. More real-world objects are included
38. Great number of newspapers expand the market of the designers
39. Advertise marketing and packaging appealing should be designed in products.
40. Symbol in application of mathematics
The history of the spices(香料)
(31-34)sentence completion
31. Romans use pepper to (cook) and preparing for (perfumes) 32. Greek Italian adding much spice to show their cuisine tastes; meanwhile, in ancient roman,
spices can be displayed as (wealth)
33. it can impose medical influence on peoples (mood)
34. contributed to the(exploration) of the new world.
35-37) table filling
Three spices are reported in this section. SPICE A,B,C
Spice b clove can relieve (pain of toothache)
Peppercorns can take place of(money)
Spice c-burnt scent can hinder (domestic smells)
38. it is expensive coz of great (transport) cost
39. trade of spice boosted:
the development of (ship-building) industry.
40. Cities received valuable(income) including (tax) from the spice
英国商业连锁超市改良(brimstone supermarket) (V131012)
31-40 填空题:
31. Open more branches (petrol station) to increase market share in England.
32. Reduce number of branches in (Southern Scotland),
33. They close London/oxford 的 (head offices)
34. A new brand focus on (fresh food)
35. Over 200 staffs have to be (retrained) and (transferred)
36. Had a contracted (manager) to handle the discussion
37. Retail store should be (flexible) in (profit)
38. Be more open-minded about the (strategies) for expansion they chose;
39. 向谁寻求帮助seek help from the (partners)
40. Save cost by changing/reducing the (organizations) in the department store;
31-40)sentence completion
31. method of (videos)
32. palm up(手掌向上),human use it to ask for money and(apology)
33. and for (supports)
34. 猩猩用这个手势要 food and(fight)
35. apes can (understand) gesture created by human
36. applause, show moods of (excitement)
37. apes know cleaning each others in a (transparent) room
38. catch fleas from(hair)
Two other ways of expression/communication
39-40) apes use-their (voices) and their(faces)