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从“sleeper of the summer是

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小编:从sleeper of the summer是从the sleeper of the summer是黑马吗?看什么叫学并学好英语 用中文学会了一句英语和用英语学并学好一句英语是本质完全不同的两个学习行为。前者永远是以母语思维

  从“sleeper of the summer是从“the sleeper of the summer是黑马吗?”看什么叫“学并学好”英语

用中文“学会”了一句英语和用英语“学并学好”一句英语是本质完全不同的两个学习行为。前者永远是“以母语思维学外语”心态,后者也是“以母语学母语”的方式,也就是“学并学好”(任何一门语言)。 学习的英语: No one had expected it.But his new movie turned out to be the sleeper of the summer.


   我提供两种学习方法供大家参考: 1) 我们可以“用中文学会一句英语”: 1. 黑马;意外成功的人(或事物):chiefly US, informal : someone or something that suddenly becomes successful in a way that was not expected. 2.百度了一下,原来是“黑马”的意思 3. 是summer hit的另外一种说法 用中文学英语,用会让我们发问:中文“黑马”不是英语dark horse吗?怎么成了英语the sleeper了? 用英语学英语,我们问的就是:So,what is the difference between a dark horse and the sleeper when they both mean suddenly become successful in a way that was not expected?

   2) 我们“用”英语学并学好英语the sleeper (of the summer): 用外语学外语难度相对大一点了。但“风险大,回报也大”。也只有在大量的英语语言环境中,虽然不能像语言学家那样精确,我们才真正区分二者大致的不同。 1. A sleeper is also called a sleeper hit in the movie,or film industry. “说”英语:Okay.I got you.We usually say a sleeper,or a sleeper hit when we talk about an unexpected success for a movie For example. That low-budget film became the summers sleeper,a sleeper of the summer,a sleeper hit this year. 2.A sleeper,or a sleeper hit is an unexpected success, esp. a film or play originally ignored or considered a failure,or unpromising or unnoticed that suddenly attains prominence or value. “说”英语(能说吗?):Okay.I got you. Okay.I got you.If a movue,a film is an unexpected success, especially when it is originally ignored or considered a failure= unpromising or unnoticed(用词好丰富啊) For example.Some sleeper hits achieve unexpected success at the box office 小结:Okay.I got you.A sleeper,or a sleeper hit=a movie=box office.

   3) 我们用英语学并学好英语a dark horse: 1.A dark horse is someone who unexpectedly wins a competition. “说”英语:Okay.I got you. We usually a dark horse for a competition,an unexpectedly win,or success in a competition,like a horse race,like an election. 2. A dark horse is someone who wins a contest, race, etc when they were not expected to. “说”英语:Okay.I got you. If you win unexpectedly in a competition=a contest,well say Youre a dark horse,not a sleeper,or a sleeper hit.Youre not a movie after all. 所以,英语a dark horse是中文“黑马”的话,英语a sleeper (hit)就是中文“爆冷门”了。

   反过来,你是中国人,你又能向学习英语的外国人解释清楚“黑马”和“爆冷门”的区别吗? 不见得:所以,“会用”一门语言不代表“掌握”一门语言。 “会用”是指在语言环境下能交流而已。“掌握”也是没有语言环境也知道它的含义和区别。

