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培训机构 在线英语 浏览

小编:有许多动词用来表示身体的动作。这些动作是用身体特定部位做出来的。以下是一些例子: 他随着音乐拍手。He clapped his hands in time to the music. 别刮了。英语词汇教学:7张图32个表示身


他随着音乐拍手。He clapped his hands in time to the music. 别刮了。英语词汇教学:7张图32个表示身体动作的动词汇总,你知道几个?它永远不会愈合!Stop scratching that would. Itll never heal!


   点头一次表示“是”,两次表示“不是”。Nod once for yes and twice for no. 她沿街散步时吹着口哨。She whistled a tune as she walked down the street. 下面的7张图表提供了每个动词,表明身体的哪个部位用来做动作,同时提供了每个动词的ESL定义和示例。请看下列图示,附带英英释义及例句,你知道多少呢?

   下面是自测练习题,如需答案,请先关注佳人在哈佛,然后私信就可以得到。 Use one of the verbs from the chart to fill in the gap for each of these sentences. Be careful with verb conjugation. 1. Just>2. He just ________ his shoulders and walked away. 3. _____ your secret into my ear. I wont tell anyone. I promise! 4. We ______ hands before we began the meeting yesterday. 5. Try to _____ the ball into the goal of the other team, not ours! 6. If you put so much food into your mouth you wont be able to _____. 7. She _____ at her friend, letting her know that this was a joke. 8. Dont chew on hard candy. _____ it and it will last longer. She ______ the sauce and decided it needed some more salt. 9. I dont like to ______ into other peoples eyes for too long. It makes me nervous. 注明:图片及部分资源均来源于网络,若侵权请告知作者删除!此文受百家原创全网保护,严禁抄袭,违者必究!

