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培训机构 在线英语 浏览

小编:长沙3岁 少儿英语培训 机构哪家最好小新星英语机构简介 轻松沟通大世界,成就国际小公民 小新星国际教育作为国内知名幼少儿时尚教育**品牌,致力于3-18岁孩子的一站式教育服务的


轻松沟通大世界,成就国际小公民 小新星国际教育作为国内知名幼少儿时尚教育**品牌,致力于3-18岁孩子的一站式教育服务的提供。小新星国际教育成立于1992年,于2009年与上市公司诺亚舟合并,正式跻身美国纽交所,加速了其国际化发展;2013年成为北美高中联盟中国区战略合作伙伴,共同承办直通美国高中的北美英文测试体系(ELES);2014年,小新星国际教育纳入全球*大投行摩根士丹利MSPEA旗下。 Established in 1992, NewStar International Education is a famous franchise education company for children in china. It s dedicated to provide excellent education service for children aged from 3 to 18 years old. In 2009, NewStar International Education joined Noah Education and became a public trade company in NYSE. This helped NewStar to expedite international cooperation. In 2013, NewStar became the sole strategic partner of North America High School Coalition in China. In 2014, NewStar caught the eye of MSPEA, the world’s largest investment bank, and has been acquired by MSPEA in the same year. 20多年来,小新星始终坚持“轻松沟通大世界,成就国际小公民”的教育理念。小新星国际教育倡导“More than English”,注重培养孩子的英文综合素养而非简单教授英语知识,同时也关注孩子传统文化和经典国学的培养。小新星国际教育拥有涵盖适合3-18岁学生的全体系语言课程,融合独具特色的“小新星童话引路与戏剧天空教学法”、“小新星GPM儿童英语教学法”、“北美儿童语言习得法”及“儿童基础能力习得法”,使孩子轻松快捷获得与世界沟通的能力。 For more than 20 years, NewStar International Education insists its mission statement “to help every child become an international citizen, and to communicate with the world in an easy and happy way”. Therefore, NewStar emphasizes on providing quality education to enable students to acquire a second language through application skills, and also cultural values and traditions. NewStar has a complete self-developed course set for children from 3-18 years old, with its unique education methods, such as NewStar fairytale and theatrical teaching method, NewStar GPM pedagogy, etc. 作为国内*先运用互联网思维教学的企业,小新星通过E-bag互动教学模式全面开启了O2O信息化时代;自主研发的APP更是结合教材内容,以线上寓教于乐的方式迎合学生英语学习兴趣,开创了教育培训行业线上线下教学完美结合的先例。 As a leading company to switch to O2O mode in education field, NewStar International Education has entered into information age through E-bag and App to offer online integrated textbooks, courses, homework and so on. With various teaching aids and the perfect online and offline combination, NewStar is able to stipulate multiple teaching methods to stimulate children’s interests in learning. 目前,小新星国际教育在全国建有超过1000家分校,3000多个校区遍布于全国30个省(市、自治区)的1000多个城市,拥有专职教师万余人,年培训学生近150万人次,无愧于中国*大幼少儿国际教育文化平台的称号。 Today, NewStar International Education has more than a thousand franchisee schools with 3,000 branches and over 10,000 professional teaching staff over all china. There are over 1.5 million children who have received excellent NewStar education service per annual. That makes NewStar the biggest education service provider for children in China. 时尚教育,品质教育,尽在小新星! Modernized quality education, only in NewStar International Education!


