小编:1.英语情景对话, A: What did you do today? (你今天干嘛了?) B: I went shopping at the mall. (我去购物心脏逛街了) A: What did you buy? (那你买了什么?) B: I wanted to buy a dress, but did not. (我本
A: What did you do today? (你今天干嘛了?) B: I went shopping at the mall. (我去购物心脏逛街了) A: What did you buy? (那你买了什么?) B: I wanted to buy a dress, but did not. (我本来想买条裙子的,可恨果没买.) A: Why? : Good evening Sir, are you ready to take orders? Customer : Yes, I would like to have a chicken salad for the starter. B: And for the main course? A: I can't decide which one should I order. Would you be able to t...
how to live in harmony with others A:Hello ,Rosy .I am thinking about this question . B:What is it relative to me A:Yes.with everyone . B:Tell me. A:What's your opinion about how to live in harmony with others B:What do you mea...
答题环节: (1)通览全文、领悟粗疏、斟酌话题。解题时应先跳过空格通览全文,探听对话粗疏,根据对粗疏的把握,评判语境,斟酌话题。 (2) 根据语境、英语小对话-啧啧英语细读选项、抉择答案。在把握话题和语境的根基上,针对对话的每一空白处,细读所供给的选项...
假使过的不错,就说pretty good;平凡的话就说not bad;不好的话就说don't mention it