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小编:300字周记加英语翻译! 第一篇:Today my parents took me to my grandfathers house. I played with my cousin. Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest. thats a good idea. I said. Then we prepared for the tra




第一篇:Today my parents took me to my grandfather’s house. I played with my cousin. Suddenly my cousin suggested going to the park and having a rest. that’s a good idea. I said. Then we prepared for the traveling. After lunc




因为太多了,所以给你留下地址,你自己去选一下吧 前两篇 新学期计划好像没找到带翻译的,不过也都很简单的,你自己肯定能看懂的 这是地址





暑假周记300字八篇,去年暑假趣事儿——捉青蛙,我有一大半日期是在爷爷奶奶家度过的。 那里有一条小道上,地形极端低,每逢下雨天,就会揭示许多小水洼,这就为青蛙构成了志向的滋生场所。从小道穿越时总会看到有好多青蛙在跳,日常我早就想捉只青蛙玩玩儿,可一直没


寒假英语周记300字,New Year''s Eve, when the table sumptuous dishes surrounded Zhang smiling face, clink sound of laughter, interwoven into a festive atmosphere. His younger brother to see her father to drink, and drink. Argue there is no way, Da


9篇暑假英语周记,A meaningful experience Yesterday i went to the park with my friends.We planed to take photos there.We met at the gate of the park at 2:00 yesterday afternoon.We chatted with each other and went boating over the river.We had a


暑假周记300字,暑假已过了一半儿,我的作业早写完了,剩下的日期里,我本想好好玩几天的,可是,家长逼着我学这学那,假使我不愿意,他们就问我是不是高傲了,然后就莫名其妙的训我一顿,讲一大堆原因,还说是为我好,真不获悉他们是怎麽想的。 早上我起床,先


暑假周记300字左右,要8篇,1.第一周与电脑度蜜周 放假了,之前为了忙温习,太对不起交了的网费,刚好算了一下, 还剩一周差不多就断网,反正又没钱出去玩, 于是把日常用来上课的日期都用来上网, 当然还加上了晚自修日期. 在pplive上追完了4季的美国电视剧sexcity,感受更老程





THE NEWSPAPER 报 纸Nowadays the newspaper possesses considerable value Everybody should read it. It supplies us with a variety of news every day. It tells us the political situation of the world. If we form the habit of reading




童年的杨树叶 我小时候和姥姥住在一个小小的四合院中,院中有一棵枝叶繁茂的大杨树,他是我童年的好朋友。 很小的时候,我总是和小伙伴们在杨树下游戏。夏日的阳光照在杨树浓密的绿叶上,在我们头顶撑起了一把金光闪闪的遮阳伞,树叶如童话故事




其实文库里有很多呀 这是在文库里找到的,你可以参照看看OO~ 1) It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free. Although we have s暑假英语周记篇300字左右,9篇暑假英语周记

